
Rottneros result once more in the black

2013-01-24 Rottneros income after net financial items amounted to SEK 6 (-120) million for the full year 2012. The result for the previous year included total write-down and one-off costs of SEK -148 million. The result after net financial items (EBT) was once more in the black at 'zero' for the fourth quarter of the year and SEK 6 million for the full year.

- This is not a great result, although we are pleased to have been able to produce a profit in a year that was tough for many pulp manufacturers. Those of us based in Sweden not only had to struggle with an increasingly weak global economy but were also subject to a very strong Swedish currency during the autumn, says CEO, Ole Terland.Despite things not running smoothly throughout the world, the consumption of pulp rose by approximately three per cent, slightly more for softwood and slightly less for hardwood. The demand outlook for 2013 appears as though it will remain more or less the same. Prices, which increased during the first half of 2012, peaked at just over USD 850 per tonne to fall by around USD 100 per tonne during the summer and autumn and subsequently rise again to just over USD 800 per tonne by the end of the year. Global stocks fell during the autumn, particularly for softwood pulp

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