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Jobbar du inom färg- och ytbehandlingstillverkning måste du se hit!

Med Ystral Conti-TDS uppnår du hisklig dispergeringskraft vilket förkortar dina processtider avsevärt liksom sparar energi och råvara. Det plus andra fördelar med tekniken lär du dig mer om på Ystral Webinar den 25e april. Klistra in denna icke-komprimerade länk i webläsararen för anmälan och mer info: https://onlinexperiences.com/scripts/Server.nxp?LASCmd=AI:4;F:QS!10100&ShowUUID=FDAC6196-59FE-4E26-9BAA-8AD1271ACD51&LangLocaleID=1033&GroupID=Onyx&AffiliateData=CPSponsorystral&utm_source=Dynamics%20365%20Customer%20Insights%20-%20Journeys&utm_medium=email&utm_term=N%2FA&utm_campaign=Newsletter%20Online-Seminar%2030%2C000%20times%20higher%20Dispersion%20Power&utm_content=Newsletter%20Online-Seminar%2030%2C000%20times%20higher%20Dispersion%20Power%20NL1%20EN#msdynmkt_trackingcontext=53450ed8-9ae8-496c-a9cb-269af3f25f93

Dispersion is the most important step in lacquer and paint production. The better the dispersion the higher is the efficiency of the dispersed pigments, fillers and additives in the final coating. With a new technology, YSTRAL Conti-TDS-machines have started to displace traditional High-Speed-Dissolvers and Bead-Mills. 
ystral concentrates vacuum and high shear inside the small chamber of an inline-dispersing machine. Vacuum singularizes the particles and disperses them instantaneously under 1,000 times higher shear and 30,000 times higher dispersion power. 

The results are much shorter process time, lower energy consumption and lower temperature increase, highest quality, significant savings in costs, raw materials, labour and floor space. 

On April 25th, we are planning a free online seminar on this topic in collaboration with the magazine Paint & Coatings Industry (PCI). 

Even if you do not produce paints and coatings, the topic could be very interesting for you. And if you are unable to attend at this time, please register anyway. After the seminar, you will get the opportunity to watch the recording of the seminar.


Bergius Trading AB
Box 22145
Helsingborgs stad
VAT nummer: SE5562358779


Karl Sievert
+46 761334043 Karl@bergius.se

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